Subscription and Match Fees
Full Member - £165
£82.50 Half Season Subs: Due in September
The final £82.50 due in December.
Goalkeepers - £110 (if supplying their own kit)
£55 Half Season Subs: Due in September.
The final £55 Due in December.
Occasional Member - £85 (10 games per season, after 10 games match fee is doubled).
£42.50 Half Season Subs: Due in September.
The final £42.50 Due in December.
Saturday Junior Members - £75
£37.50 Half Season Subs: Due in September.
The final £37.50 Due in December.
Discounts for siblings also apply. £15 discount for subsequent siblings of a full paying child.
Under 18/Students playing senior hockey- £80
£40 Half Season Subs: Due in September
The final £40 Due in December
Match Fees
The Match Fees for League Hockey and Friendlies are as follows:
Full / Goalkeepers & Occasional* £8
Under 18 £6
Saturday Juniors (n/a)
*Occasional members match fees are doubled after 10 games from £8 to £16
Payment Options
Annual Subscriptions can be paid as a BACS transfer to the Clubs Bank account:
Lloyds Bank,
Account No: 00066002,
Sort Code:30-98-41
For the reference details, please put 'Subs' followed by the players 'Initial and Surname'.
Annual Subscriptions have been calculated to cover the cost of league and association fees, pitch hire for training and some coaching costs. Therefore it is in everyone's interest to make sure they get the most out of training!
Match Fees have been calculated to cover the cost of match day expenses such as pitch hire, petrol costs and teas.